Customer Dashboards For WooCommerce


WooCommerce store owners often struggle to provide a personalized and streamlined dashboard experience for their customers after purchase. The default WooCommerce My Account page can be confusing and lacks customization options, leading to a suboptimal user experience and potentially decreased customer satisfaction.

The My Account Customizer plugin provides a library of shortcodes for re-designing any WooCommerce My Account layout and easily combining it with any other components using native WordPress editor blocks or your favorite page builder.

Features & Benefits

The WooCommerce My Account Layout Customizer plugin empowers you to create custom dashboard experiences for your customers, regardless of the products or services they sell. Whether you offer physical goods, virtual products, one-time purchases, or recurring subscriptions, this plugin allows you to tailor the My Account page to your unique business needs.

With the ability to drag and drop elements using shortcodes and Kadence Blocks, you can easily rearrange and customize the layout of the My Account page. The plugin also offers ready-to-use patterns for Gutenberg, enabling you to achieve instant satisfaction with pre-designed layouts.

2 Minute Quick Start

Start by adding the standard WooCommerce My Account Shortcode [woocommerce_my_account] to any page:

Then, add any of the Customize My Account shortcodes to your layout to relocate parts of the My Account where you prefer them to be in your layout (instead of the default layout created by the WooCommerce shortcode).

For example, one can move the entire default navigation menu to a different location.

In this example, we use the Navigation Area shortcode to relocate the entire My Account Navigation Area to a spot below the My Account Content Area:


Another option would be to hide any element repositioned by the use of shortcodes simply by adding the hide attribute, like this:

[any_shortcode_name hide=yes]

Doing this will completely hide the elements output by that shortcode, including the rest of the default My Account shortcode elements other than those relocated by the use of other shortcodes.

For example, if we use the same default My Account Navigation Area shortcode as above, but now add the attribute of hide, we can remove it entirely from the layout:

[lf_navigation hide=yes]

As you can, this completely hides the entire My Account Navigation Area from the layout: (presumably so you would use some other navigation links to display the various content)


Shortcodes, Tabs, Links


These are the primary content areas for the my-account layout

WooCommerce Wrapper
Main content area
Main navigation wrapper

These inner-content areas are useful for more “granular” visibility/placement situations

[lf_address_description] Address description
Address columns
Addresses section
Bookings table
[lf_customer_details] Customer details
[lf_downloads_table] Downloads table
Edit account form
Error messages
Info messages
Login form
Memberships table
Success messages
Notices and messages
Order details
Order tracking form
Orders table
Payment box
[lf_payments] Payment methods table
Add Payment Method Button
Registration form
[lf_password] Reset password form
Subscriptions table
Wishlist table

Navigation Tabs

These are the WooCommerce navigation tabs

Displays User avatar box (Kadence Theme)
Edit Account Navigation Tab
Edit Address Navigation Tab
[lf_tab_custom target="_self" label="Tab Label" url=""]
Create a custom navigation tab with label and url, plus an optional parameter for target="_blank|_self|_parent|_top|framename"
Dashboard Navigation Tab
Downloads Navigation Tab
Orders Navigation Tab
Memberships Navigation Tab
Payment Methods Navigation Tab
Subscriptions Navigation Tab
Logout Navigation Tab

Navigation Links

These output links to the content areas

Edit Account content link. Outputs url suffix: /edit-account
Add Payment Method content link. Outputs url suffix:
Edit Address content link. Outputs url suffix: /edit-address
Dashboard content link. Outputs url suffix: /my-account
Downloads content link. Outputs url suffix: /downloads
Customer Log Out link. Outputs url suffix: /customer-logout/?_wpnonce=xxxxxxx
Order content link. Outputs url suffix: /orders
Order content link. Outputs url suffix: /memberships
Payment Methods content link. Outputs url suffix: /payment-methods
Subscriptions content link. Outputs url suffix: /subscriptions

Hide Attributes

Add hide=yes after any shortcode tag to hide that element everywhere

[lf_tab_orders hide=yes]

Add hide=url-suffix after any shortcode tag to hide that element only on pages ending with that url string

Example to hide that element on url ending with /edit-address:

[lf_tab_orders hide=edit-address]

Example to hide that element on url ending with /my-account

[lf_tab_orders hide=my-account]

CSS Classes

These modify and move existing elements

Add to any element and it will relocate before the default content on any my-account endpoint
Add to any element and it will relocate after the default content on any my-account endpoint
Add to any element and it will replace the default dashboard endpoint content

You can also hide elements on specific my-account endpoints:

Add to any element and it will hide element on dashboard endpoint page
Add to any element and it will hide element on account endpoint page
Add to any element and it will hide element on address endpoint page
Add to any element and it will hide element on downloads endpoint page
Add to any element and it will hide element on orders endpoint page
Add to any element and it will hide element on payments endpoint page
Add to any element and it will hide element on password endpoint page
Add to any element and it will hide element on logout endpoint page

You can also hide elements based on user being logged-out, which is useful for the container holding most all your customizations other than registration, log-in and password. *Be careful not to hide those from logged-out users!

Add to any element and it will hide element when user is logged-out